Things To Do Instead of Spending 30 Minutes On Social Media

It’s 3pm in the afternoon and you’ve been at your computer since 9 this morning. You’ve lost the motivation to continue with working on an assignment or studying for your finals, so you think you deserve a break. You start scrolling through Facebook, then you turn to Snapchat and before you know it, you’re up to page 16 on Imgur, realising you’ve wasted a good half hour.

What a perfectly good chunk of time wasted.

Not sure what you could be doing instead? I’ve got you covered:

  1. Write down the goals you want to achieve in the next 6 months and plan out how you want to achieve them.
  2. Pack up four books that inspire you and send them to a friend.
  3. Organize your email inbox!
  4. Read the first 10 pages of that new book you bought last month.
  5. Call a family relative and see how they’re going.
  6. Knock two things off your to-do list.
  7. Pay a bill
  8. Unsubscribe from lists or emails that you don’t read.
  9. Create your task list for the rest of the week or even next week.
  10. Clean your desk. A clear desk leads to a more productive day.
  11. Check out your bank account and make sure you know where your money is spent. Set up a budget if it’s out of control!
  12. Plan a coffee/lunch date with someone.
  13. Prep your next meal. (You wouldn’t believe how many healthy meals we could have had if we spent more time preparing than on social media)
  14. Write down your favorite inspirational quote and frame it. Hang it by your work space so you see it daily.
  15. Start that LinkedIn account you’ve been putting off.
  16. Find a local charity and contact them about volunteering. Pick a day, a week, or make a regular commitment. Do something for someone else.
  17. Consider doing something new – could be a hobby, or something you’ve been wanting to do for a while.
  18. Walk your dog. Or your neighbor’s dog. Or just take a walk. Fresh air will do you wonders for the rest of your day.
  19. Write down everything on your mind – just pen to paper style until you can’t write anymore. Clear your mind with a little ink therapy. Trust me, this one is good 🙂
  20. Take a yoga break. (You need it.)
  21. Comment below and tell me what you would do instead of scrolling through your newsfeed.


7 thoughts on “Things To Do Instead of Spending 30 Minutes On Social Media

  1. Great list. I can see a lot of these could be useful in snapping the routine of hopping on social media so constantly.

    However I can foresee a problem where some of these tasks require social media and/or brush very closely with interacting with social media which could make it very difficult to resist the lure. How do you propose one ignore/fight against this feeling?

    Personally I’d read a book. However the alerts from social media are very hard to ignore sometimes as we humans crave social interactions after all!.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jessie! Social media has been integrated into a lot of things we do, so it is inevitable that there will be interaction. Ultimately, it is up to us to discipline ourselves and not waste time on social media 🙂


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